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Date: Feb. 26, 2002
Time: 7:44 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Wedding bells

Well he finally did it, my dad asked Donna to marry him. They got engaged this weekend, while they were away at the Cape. I took the news ok, my sister sat frozen, a maniacle grin painted on her face. She looked like a deer in headlights, save for her odd frozen smile. They are getting married this summer. I find it odd, the thought that I will now have a step-brother and step-sister. I mean they are both in their 20's and moved out anyway, so I guess it won't be like they are living here. But still, it is odd. Donna will be selling her house and moving here.

Today in Writing Workshop my teacher asked me to stay after class, that he wanted to talk to me. He also had this guy Nick I know stay too. So he sat us down and said we should be in the honors program....ha! We both started laughing, since last year we were IN the same honors class! Both of us dropped out of it though after the first sememster, we both agree it would be kind of a pain. But it made me feel so good, all the nice things my teacher was saying, like how I'm a good writer and really think about things on a higher level, how I needed to be more challenged. He also mentioned about doing independant study, which I think you can only do when you are a senior, but he seemed to think both of us should do that. Wow, I feel very flattered that he said all that. Nice! Maybe I will reconsider the honors program again.

Today I did Tae Bo for a half an hour. I am sooooo gross! Seriously I know I'm overweight, I can see the globs of fat. I still haven't weighed myself yet though. Ick. That reminds me of the conversation I had yesterday with Christopher, about fat people. He started saying how people who are fat need to just stop eating so damn much, and how he hates fat people blah blah blah. This hurt me, I mean I know I'm not technicly fat but fatness is definitly a big issue to me. Especially with my past history of bulimia, yes at the time I was normal to underweight, but I did binge(and obviously purge) and felt like I couldn't stop. Hearing someone say "Just stop eating" really hurts. Both because I felt like I couldn't stop, and because yes, I do sometimes not eat, to the point of starvation. Well anyway, he didn't mean to hurt me, I know that. I let him know though that for some it is a psychological problem, and not to make fun of that. He also said that he stopped eating breakfast to lose weight....that makes me so nervous for him! I hate when I hear people say stuff like that, I get so upset for them. I wish he would not do that :( Ok well that's all for now.

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