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Date: Feb. 21, 2002
Time: 10:47 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Nobody appreciates good writing

To my enjoyment, I just realized that I will most likely be getting my period tomorrow. Absolutly fantabulastic. This would explain the sudden increased stuffing my face with food, looking fatter then ever(bloated), and today almost bursting into tears at physical therapy. Yep, and I also have a gyno appointment tomorrow too. Tommorow should be great. I only hope those 2 things happen in the right order...or else...ew. God my dad will not stop harassing me!!!! If he calls to me one more time I'm going to....umm...I don't know, be mad? So anyway, I'm a bit nervous about going to the gyno tomorrow. Why you ask? Because the place I'm going is Planned Parenthood that I had the abortion at. But I need to get on The Pill again(for period reasons, not sex).

I'm so glad I FINALLY talked to Christopher, since we hung out on Monday and he said "I'll call you in a couple of days", I figured maybe he had forgotten about me. Why am I so needy and lame? I wish I wasn't. I wish I could not care less about anything in the world.

Earlier today I got the urge to make myself puke after I ate. Not even just an urge, I really really felt like I had to, but I had class so fortunatly I didn't. But I wonder if I didn't have class.....I think I really would have done it. Which is horrible, cause I hate bulimia a lot, I can not stand it! If I went back to that I would kill myself. Why though? Why did that feeling come back? And so strong? What's going on with me?

Once again in my writing class I dissagreed with every single person in the class. Seriously, I'm not just being difficult, I'm just odd for some reason! He handed out this piece of writing, the author had written it in journal entry form. Each entry he described being in the desert. I thought it was fantastic, such wonderful descriptions and writing style. I also liked the point of it. The very first entry was very naturistic and optomistic. He described the desert in a way of curiosity and beauty, talking about the animals, the sand, everything. Even the people he refured to as "humans" to add to the naturistic view. Then as the entries progress, he got more and more hateful towards the desert, describing it very negetavly. Also, he started talking more about the people, and I dont know, you'd have to read it to understand, but the entries/writing piece actually made me sad. I don't think anyone got this though. The point wasn't about the desert, it was about his changing of tone and what it meant, and the style of writing. Oh well. I know this is really boring for me to talk about, but it just bothered me that they are all being so shallow and unappreciative of good writing skills. Plus, remember I am PMS-ing. By the way, this diary isn't meant for me to write nicely in. I can write much better then this, the reason I am saying this is because I just remembered how once someone insulted me saying they don't read my journal for the wonderful writing skills. This diary is purely train of thought. Infact I must say that I am glad I have a diary, because it's actualled helped me a lot. Before when I'd go to write a paper, I'd just sit at the blank screen and it would take me forever to think of what to say. Since I've been doing this diary, all the entries I pretty much just type all at once, pouring the contents of my head onto the screen. Now when I write papers it's much easier for me to just get it on the paper/screen, it's great. Today I wrote a paper in 10 minutes even! Ok I just came to the sudden realization that I am blabbing on about boring things, so I will stop now. Until next time....*evil spooky laugh*

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