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Date: Feb. 14, 2002
Time: 10:50 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

A reprint from my webpage

*Disclamer- I am a total hypocrite. This is not necessarily how I feel(only when I'm bitter). Oh, and contrary to prior belief, my heart is infact alive(oh my goodness I have feelings!), I guess I was wrong. At least for now it is.*

My Anti-Valentine's Day Rant

Well, this is sort of just a rant on love. Personally, I think the idea of love is stupid. There is no such thing, it's just an idea people created to keep themselves busy, and so they wouldn't feel so bad about procreation. Well I'll have no part of it. Relationships are based on neediness and the fear of facing the world alone. And the other people, well, they just want sex. Yes I know there are "nice guys" out there "that aren't out for sex, and want a relationship". Oh please. Ya, it sounds tempting at first....till you date them. Nice guys are too mushy, needy, and in an indirect way possessive. They also aren't much fun. Also, they say the words "I love you" way too much, before you even get to the second date practicly. Those 3 words turn my heart to ice. Or it would if I had one.

And I don't mean to come off like a prude either. Personally, I find it dumb when you hook up with some guy, and they try to make it out like it means something special, just for you're benefit. Oh please, if we're both trashed at some party, do you really think I want you to call the next day? Come on, I mean I think people should be a little less condeseding. If some guy asks for my number, I know he's not going to call, and I don't want him too! So why bother asking?? Just be yourself, a lot of times you'll realize the other person couldn't give a shit either. And no, you don't need to hold my hand, I don't like you all that much.

So anyway, back to Valentine's Day. I think it's a wicked dumb holiday. I mean come on now, any holiday that the main color of is pink is fucking STUPID. V-day is basicly a day to remind all those without a loved one that they are indeed alone. You know, I really don't think we need a reminder, I *know* I'm single, you don't have to make me feel like a fucking idiot on top of it! It just excludes so many people. And for the people who are going out with/dating someone, it still sucks cause it puts all this pressure on you, buying shit, acting all romantic, having the day go perfect.... I mean come on! Just get over yourselves, you know you're just as unhappy as everyone else in the world.

If you love someone, do you really need a specific day of the year to let them know you do? Cause if that's the case, you have a really shitty relationship anyway, and probably should break up. Basicly, V-day is about profit and sales. Hallmark, CVS, and Walgreens are raking in the doe. All those stupid hearts filled with candy. "Hey honey, I love you, so I got you all this candy so you'll become a fat blimp." Geez, it's hard enough to stick to a diet, but then getting all that shit ontop of it??? Anyway, I really don't appreciate being made to feel like I'm "left out" or a reject or something, because you're supposed to be in love. Oh barf.

Well, I for one, can go through life just fine being me, and not having to lean on someone else. If you need to lean on someone, that's when your friends are there for you. All relationships inevitably end anyway. I mean think about it, what's the point of getting all psyched up to be with someone, if you're just going to end up dumping them/being dumped. Ok I know, some people get married....but hello, look at the divorce rate in this country(50%). And the other 50%....well, I guess they'll be together for a while, but a lot of them are probably unhappy, and if not...well...you're going to die eventually anyway, so there. Ya, I know I sound pessemistic, that's because I am

"Grey would be the color, if I had a heart"- NIN

"Don't you hate it, when people are in love they're so, they're so happy, so fuckin' happy, happy"- Local H

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