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Date: Jan. 05, 2002
Time: 8:28 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

FINALLY talked to Bud, the biggest wuse ever.

MUAHAHAHHAHA! I got free cd's and comic books! And not lame superman type comics, I got a bunch of Lenore(that is who that pic is down at the bottom saying "I've been embalmed")which is a comic about a little dead girl. The cds were Download(2 of them), KMFDM, and...shit, something else. How did I get all this stuff you ask? Bud left them here, HAHA! I FINALLY talked to him just now. Jesus Christ, took him long enough. So we finally discussed things, and like he said briefly before(this time went into it more), he was simply "too busy" for a girlfriend. Loser. Apparently this semester is goig to be even harder, as well as his boss just informed him he will be the new head machanic at his bike shop. Whoopty fricken doo. So instead of being a MAN and telling me this, he self admittingly was a coward and just stopped calling me. He was too much of a wuse to tell me straight up. How immature. I told him that too, and he was like "ya, I know". Well, I'm glad we talked, he apologized a bunch of times for being an asshole, and said he was a coward. I feel more at ease now. That's all I wanted, I wanted the truth. That's all I ever really want, but no one can give it. So anyway, I reminded him that his stuff was all here, all the comics and cds, and he said I could keep them all "for asshole tax". HA! Of course I just had to say "well if it's for that, I should be charging more, but this will do". Just had to add in a bitchy statement. Plus, he totally fixed up this old bike of mine for me, for free :) Nice. I think it was made in the 50's, so when I say old I mean old. He fixed it up, put some new parts on, and a lock too. I guess it does make me feel a bit better, that I got all this stuff from him at least, at least he came to some good use! This doesn't mean I'm any less bitter though. Oh, and he said he'll bring my bike next time he comes back to his parents house(they live the next town over), so I want to make sure I'm looking absolutly fab. just so he can feel like a dickhead. I don't know how that's going to happen, but probably will involve me wearing something attractive, losing 5lbs at least, I don't know. Just make sure he knows what he's missing out on.

Fuck, if my friend Tammy doesn't call me back tonight, then I'm just getting drunk on my own, we were supposed to hang out and go to the bar. I keep wanting to drink by myself lately, I haven't though.

Oh, just got into another fight with my aunt. She's such a bitch, I can't stand her at all. As always, she starts saying "So, you didn't call your grandfather to wish him a happy new year or go to visit him, blah blah blah". She happened to be calling while I was talking to Bud online about stuff I just mentioned, so I was NOT in the mood! I didn't even mean to but I started freaking out at her, I kind of surprised myself. I said "STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!!" saying it wasn't her business, to stay out of it and leave me alone, she said I was selfish and self centered, something like that, as always, but I kept telling her to mind her own business, that whether I call my grandfather or not is MY business NOT hers! Why can't she just leave me alone. Saying I don't care about anyone else, I don't know how to act right, I don't know, I don't even remember what she said, basicly just a bunch of stuff to make me feel like shit. But whatever, not like it's anything different.

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