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Date: Jan. 02, 2002
Time: 2:11 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

A new year, wow.

And it is a new year. So far I am:


2.Eating like a pig

3.Have dark reddish/purplish hair.

4.Very angry and bitter

5.My room is all different cause I just moved it all around

6.Have a new cool beaded rainbow bracelet!

The past year has been weird. Got left by 2 of my boyfriends, a rare thing to happen to me. Usually I am the one leaving them, dumping them repeatedly. Ah well. It's weird that the new year starts in mid winter. It seems like it should start at the begining of fall, like September. I don't know, I guess cause that's when school starts, that seems like the real begining of the year.

I was planning on drinking alone last night, reveling in my self pity, drinking myself into obliteration....but then my friend called, and said she had work early in the morning so she was just staying in, and asked if I wanted to come hang out. She eventually persuaded me, and I ended up actually having a good time just hangin out, I barely even thought about Bud and my inadiquicies.

Speaking of which, FUCK HIM!!!!!!!!! Ok, just had to get that out of my system. Someone just told me a little while ago that I'm geing "abrasive". I didn't even realize I was....guess I've turned extra bitter lately. Good.

I keep having the nagging insecurity that the reason Bud's been a dick to me is because of the bulimia. Maybe he realized how disgusting I am, I mean seriously why did i even tell him?? He must think I'm so nasty and gross, I bet that is why he left me. I'm so absolutely disgusting.

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