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Date: Dec. 23, 2001
Time: 11:26 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Kvetching about Bud, my headache, and a candybar

I AM SO FUCKING FAT! My dad just came in the room and offered me a candybar, its one of those huge ones. He said he hid it from me cause my sister complained to him that I ate the other 2 huge candy bars we had. I can't believe she said that. First off, I did eat some, but did not eat all of them! Why does she make up lies? I mean she was the one that took one of them and kept it in her room to eat it. So then why does she go and say that about me? I left them in the kitchen so everyone could have them, not take them only for myself like she did. God, I feel so horrible now, they must think I am so disgusting.

Right now I'm on day 3 of an annoying headache. It sucks very much. Ouch.

You know what sucks, since finals have ended, Bud and I haven't been hanging out much. I mean I figured once finals were over we'd go back to hanging out a lot, only we STILL haven't had sex, which makes it about....what....a month and a half to two months of no sex. I wouldn't care if I wasn't in a relationship, I mean I AM in a relationship, right?? I don't really feel like I am. Since finals ended we've hung out once. I figured now we both have time, I was thinking we could hang out all weekend make up for lost time. But I guess not. Today is Sunday, he hasn't called me since Thursday I think. I don't know what is up here. This makes me sad. I look others, like my friend Katie, and feel envy. Her boyfriend Damien came back for break, and he's always calling her or she calling him, or he'll come to work to say hi. They're just so in love, and it makes me feel empty inside when I see that. Why can't I have that? Or at least someone who cares?

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