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Date: Nov. 09, 2001
Time: 12:48 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

guys do like thin girls, they just don't want to admit it

I'm skipping class today, again. I just had a killer headache when I woke up, so I've just been resting. I don't know why, but I've been sleeping so much lately. Probably just weak from lack of food/losing weight. I'm such a wuse. I was so happy, I got to see Bud last night! Even if it was only a few hours. I haven't seen him all week. His hands lingered on my hipbones, which now stick out more then before. The look of a boy who just got a brand new toy truck crossed his face. So I was right, he does like me thinner. No matter what guys say, they don't know what they want. Things like "I like women with curves" "I don't when girls are too thin", the things guys say to you because they don't want to seem un-PC. It's all fake. Guys like thinness, and they feel guilty about it. There's a book I want to read, I forget what it's called, it's from a boyfriend's point of view about his girlfriend that is anorexic. In the book, he realizes that although he doesn't like that she is anorexic, he is also turned on by it.

You know what sucks, when I got my blood tested awhile ago, they didn't do all the tests they were supposed to. So now my psych. wants me to go AGAIN. Damnit. It's always such a project, getting my blood tested. It takes them forever to get any blood out of me, first of all my veins are extremely small, and second my blood doesn't flow very well. So it takes a million tries, and they have to move the needle around under my skin to find the veins. Yuck. When they finally do find a vein, nothing comes out. This is because I'm already dead... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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