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Date: Oct. 28, 2001
Time: 2:28 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

slept over Bud's this weekend

Wow, I'm actually HOME. I've been at Bud's all weekend, ooh la la! You know, he said something so triggering to me, it made me feel like shit, even though it was supposed to be a compliment. He(again) said how he loves my stomach, and of course I said no way it's gross. So he said that he likes my body, he likes that I'm a "real" girl, that I have curves in all the right places and that he's glad I'm not like one of those skinny boobless, hipless models. Translation: I like fat women. Hmmmmm. I wish he didn't have to rub it in that I'm not skinny.....damn these tits and hips!!! Well soon I will not have them. Ok well ya I still will, lol, but at least not as much!!! Although a nice start would be not constantly stuffing myself like I have been lately.

Oh, I was also informed that my hair looks better now since I dyed it, that before I looked white trash! LOL! That's ok, I just think it's funny, especially since more then one person told me this, hehe, both Bud and Elizabeth. I think that's so funny, I guess just cause it was very obvsiosly bleached...I mean it wasn't totally blond, just kind of a really badly dyed dark blond, almost with an orangy tint from the bleach. Ya, I looked cool. But I don't mind, I'm actually in the "white trash diary ring", lol. I admit it, I can be white trash, I mean in the summer I have pink flamingos in the yard, I have some clothes that are pretty white trash(not a wife beater unfortunatly!!), plus theres been some incestuous relations in my family.... NOT WITH ME!!! Well there was one time I was threatened with it. Yeehaaaw, lets buy a new trailer.

Uffff, this is fucking gross. My ears are all infected!!!!!! Well, my earings are. I'm being stubbern and refuse to take them out too, I'm NOT going to have them all close up! I have 10 ear piercings, I'm not having them all redone. Maybe I'll try to look something up online of what to do. I have this gel stuff to put on, but I swear it just makes them 10 times grosser.

Last night Bud started talking about our relationship...it was one of those "so...we've been going out for 3 months now" talks, YIKES! I'm glad it didn't last long. I mean I do like Bud a lot, but sometimes it's weird talking about that type of stuff, then again sometimes I'm the one to bring it up.

My jaw has been out of place for like a week now, it's kind of bothersome. I can only open it halfway, I should probably see my chiropractor at some point so he can put it back into place.

I felt really bad, Bud's been having a really stressful time lately. He was so upset he was crying a little, with his head buried in my arms. I've been having a pretty crappy time too. Especially it bothered my earlier this week when one day I puked, then the next day I puked 3 times, I just felt it all coming back, the next day I had to struggle a lot not to purge, even though I didn't even eat much. Also I'm behind in school which sucks. I missed my drivers class.....I hope this week goes better.

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