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Date: Oct. 14, 2001
Time: 1:00 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

the bitch and the asshole

Today was weird. First, my sister was on the war path, again. She gets so bitchy sometimes, I swear she gets her temper from my aunt and grandfather. She just absolutly FLIPS OUT for no reason at all! Today she started yelling at me and going nuts, I was just talking calmly. Then she starts screaming at my dad to give her money cause she's going shopping....geez! And he gives it to her of course. She looks at what he's giving her, and says "That's all???? Nevermind! I don't want your money anyway!!!" So he ends up giving her what she wants. I can't believe he lets her talk to him like that. I'm not one to think children should be seen and not heard or some bullshit, but damn!!! She literally screams at him! I never do that at all, yet I am the bad one. Go figure. I try to tell him sometimes, that he shouldn't let her get away with being like that, and he just shrugs it off. It's just insane. She needs to learn some self control, some anger management. It just pisses me off that she can be like that and my dad is fine with it, yet I do anything and my dad is yelling at me.

Today I got SOOOOOOO pissed off at Bud! He was a total asshole, I almost just went home. OK, this is what happened: We were in the middle of having sex, when all of a sudden his 2 best friends Elizabeth and Bill come knocking on the door. We are both mortified, and I say "send them away!". He says no, and quickly puts on his clothes, and shoos me into the kitchen with mine. He opens the door, and I wait for him to tell them to come back later. It never happened. So I put on my clothes and came over to him. They came in and decided to stay, he did NOTHING about it!!! GRRRR!! Now, I have nothing against his friends, but good god, you NEVER stop sex to hang out with your friends!! COME ON! NOBODY leaves me unsatisfied! So I sat there, getting more and more angry. Time goes by. I then realize it's starting to get late, and the reason I went over there in the first place was for him to help me do my statistics take home test. I start getting REALLY mad, cause then they start talking about going to the movies. What the fuck?? I felt like he was totally ditching me. The thing is too, he didn't even tell me they were coming over, I mean he could at least told me so that we could ummm...not have been having sex! So finally he told them that we needed to work on my test. I was so mad I yelled at him, and he almost cried. I felt bad though, he looked like a wounded puppy. But seriously, who stops in the middle of having sex to hang out with friends????? I was so blue balled. But he made it up to me, after I was done yelling at him ;)

Wow, I can't believe I've stopped purging so much lately! I was doing it 3-5 times a day before.... today I haven't at all! And yesterday I didn't at all either, the day before that only once. This is a big deal for me, for so long it's seemed like I could never stop, I tried so hard before with no luck, and now it's working. Today I ate nothing all day, except for 2 m&ms(they were grey colored!) and then a little while ago I ate a slice of pizza and an apple. I guess it seems like I'm sort of just switching EDs, not actually getting rid of it all together. But not eating is healthier for you then purging is...plus, I might as well lose some of this weight. Plus, I've noticed that when I don't eat, I feel happier. I don't know if that means that I just don't eat when I'm happy, or that not eating causes me to be happy. Either way, I'd like to stick with it, hopefully stay happy. Oh my diet pills came in the mail today, yay! They're hardcore though, it says don't take more then 4 a day...ya right.

Besides everything, I actually wasn't as depressed today as I have been lately.

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