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Date: Sept. 29, 2001
Time: 12:10 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

my aunt's a fucking bitch

Aahhhh!! My aunt is such a bitch. I was getting out of the shower today, when I realized she was over. I heard her saying to my dad AS USUAL how we don't visit my grandfather enough, we didn't wish him a happy new year, we're spoiled blah blah blah. I'm so sick of her!! I was so pissed she was talking about me and my sis behind our backs, SAY IT TO MY FACE BITCH! I yelled at my dad telling him that next time to tell her not to talk about us, to just tell us what she wants to say instead of bad mouthing us. I hate how my dad's such a wuse. He never stands up for us or anything, just sits there and nods his head, even though he doesn't even agree. But anyway, first off, my grandfather isn't even religious, he's an athiest, he doesn't even celebrate jewish holidays! Also, he's never called us to wish us a happy new year either, it's a 2 way street ya know. My aunt is always bitching that we're such bad grandchildren, yet she refuses to see that he doesn't do much either. I actually talked to him yesterday on the phone. He proceded to tell me how he'd like to die(after eating 3 cornbeef sandwhiches), and went on about how he didn't care whether he lived or died. He's a hard person to talk to, I mean he always talks like that, along with him being verbally abusive sometimes, and the fact that he never really has conversations with you, it's more like he's just talking AT you. Whenever I'm there, it's sort of just me sitting there nodding my head while he goes off on some tangent. I try getting in a few sentences, but half the time he just starts talking over me and ignores that I was trying to talk. He's the type of person who loves to hear himself talk, and when you're talking he's thinking about what he'd like to say next. I mean don't get me wrong, growing up I abosolutly adored him. It just gets hard, after years of him saying shit. So anyway, there's plenty of reason that we're not close, I mean aside from the fact that he never even calls us or anything. But she refuses to see that. Even though he's wicked verbally abusive to her, she's in total denial about it. Well whatever.

Last night we went to see Bill's band play, they're called the Superspecs or something like that. Bud got to go on stage!!! He got to play the cow bell through a whole song, lol! It was so cool :) After that a whole bunch of us went to this pizza place. It kind of sucked in a way, cause i wasn't feeling very social at all. I didn't really know anyone except Bud and a couple of his friends, I felt awkward. I was wearing my cool coat that looks like I just walked out of the movie The Matrix, so i was looking all bad ass, hehe. Bud kept trying to get me to eat something but I wouldn't. At one point I just went outside to smoke a cigarette, there were just too many people around. As I was standing outside, looking all pissy so no one would talk to me, this guy came over and put a tie on me. Yes, a neck tie. Then he took it off and walked away. Hmmmmmmm....

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