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Date: Sept. 08, 2001
Time: 1:51 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

my future in the palm of my hand

Last night I went over to Hilary's new dorm room. It's pretty cool, of course it's small but that goes without saying. I hung out with her roommate for the first time, I met her once before. She's all new age and hippy, and into the goddess. That's weird, how someone can believe in a bunch of gods and godesses, she even said she saw her once. Hey, whatever floats her boat. She read my palm.....and she was kind of freaked out by it. She said she had never seen someone with hands like mine, except for her grandmother. Apparently there's something wrong with me she said, health-wise. She said that I really need to be healthy and eat right(haha), cause my palm says I have sickness in my future. She said something like a heartattack, cancer, or I will die and be resusitated. She said whatever it is, I will turn out ok, like I will die then get brought back to life or something, about when I'm in my 30's. She seemed kind of concerned about my health. That's weird she said to eat healthy, considering if I have any type of health problems it will most likely be related to me not eating healthy. Awesome.

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