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Date: 2001-08-07
Time: 9:49 p.m.
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

had fun with Bud

I decided to fast this week. So far today I have had 20 oz. of Gatorade, which is what I decided I will have once a day. Not really sure when it will end, I guess as long as possible! I guess I figure, since there's cake in the house, it's better to just eat nothing at all then to deal with eating it or something.

So yesterday Bud and I went to Six Flags, it was fun!! The only sucky parts were that it was a million degrees out and that it takes 2 hours to get there. But we went on some rollar coasters and other cool rides, and I told him he had to win me something so he won me a stuffed dog and a stuffed dragon :) I feel like we've been going out longer then a week and a half, things seem to be getting serious, not even like physically but emotionally. We're constantly holding hands and being all mushy, hehe. I am kinda feeling that thing, where if I hang out with him for too long I feel annoyed, but that has nothing to do with him, I just get like that when I first start seeing someone. Going from being single to all of a sudden seeing someone constantly can get a bit annoying and makes me crave my space.

On a different note, I forgot to write about this when it happened, but last week my friend Mike told me that I have a big nose. That made me feel so upset, I mean geez like I don't already know I'm ugly, I don't need my grossness pointed out even more. He said I have a jewish nose. The thing is, no one has ever said I have a big nose before, my grandmother always said I have a small one. I wish I had some good features, I mean I guess I have nice eyes, cause people constantly gush over how great they think my eyes are. So that's one thing I like. Besides that, I can't really think of any other physical features I like about myself.

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