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Date: 2001-06-16
Time: 4:20 a.m.
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

My sister is fucked up

Well, it is 4:20am, if I had some weed I'd smoke it. But I don't. I hate insomnia, it's really annoying! I can hear the birds chirping outside. I want to buy a birdhouse, when I finally get a job and a paycheck. Then I will hang it outside my window, that will be nice. Awww, how very sticky sweet of me.

My sister was FUCKED UP tonight!!!! I was like holy shit! She smelled like a brewery, but I think she was on something else too, god knows what. She can into the computer room earlier, and her eyes were half open, and she says "Move, I have to pee". I was like ummmmmm what? And she was like "Come on, I have to pee, get out" I actually had to argue with her for like 5 minutes that she was not in the bathroom. I'm glad I was in here, I mean to think what would have happened had I not! She would have peed on the seat, lol!! After I got her to actually go into the bathroom, she came out and then accidently went into my dad's bedroom instead of her own! Bad idea kid! She goes to him "Get out". lol! I was going to go in and get her, but it was already too late at that point. In the morning I'm going to laugh at her so bad. I feel bad though, my dad probably realized she was fucked up. It made me really worried for her, I hope she's ok.

Well I'm doing pretty well at dieting right now, the past few days at least. I KNOW I'm going to lose weight, I just know it! And I bet that conversation I had with John about ..... will end up inspiring me subconciously to lose weight. I can't believe I'm so grossly fat, yucky. But I've been restricting, and doing an hour of exercise a day, I'm going to up it another half hour too. I WILL be thin! I WILL be 90lbs! Geez, I really need to get to bed. But the million dollar question: Will I be able to actually fall asleep?

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