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Date: 2001-05-28
Time: 3:24 a.m.
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

I'm a jobless bum

Well lets see, what's been going on since last I wrote an entry. Hmm. Not much really. Julie's getting married THIS COMING WEEKEND!!!! NOOOOOO!!!! Oh well, I guess it is reality, she really IS marrying Dave the Dick.

Today I was so pissed off. My dad was being so annoying! Once again, he was saying how I don't do anything around the house, never do any chores, yadda yadda. Like HELLO, I spent 6 HOURS cleaning the garage the other day, NONSTOP! What the fuck?? I hate how he does that, he never gives me any credit for anything, he onnly complains about what I don't do, not what I do do. I mean that's really fuckin rude.

Well anyway, I'm STILL pigging out tons!! This sucks man. Well, ok, like I say every single night...tomorrow is when my diet will *really* start! No more bullshit! Especially since I might see John....I'm not sure when, but Ohgre is playing sometime soon, so he might come back here and see the show with me and Hilary :) If he does I don't want him seeing me fat.

I've been applying to jobs, so far no luck, but I'm still in the middle of it, so I'm crossing my fingers. I need a job SOOOOO bad, I'm totally broke. Plus, once I get a job I'm all set diet-wise, then I will be able to lose weight no problem. Just had to add that in there, hehe. I even applied to a mental hospital. We'll see.

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