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Date: 2001-05-11
Time: 3:36 p.m.
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

still sick damnit

Damn, I'm still sick. I've been sick for the past few days, it's kind of annoying. The other day I had a fever kind of, and today I took my temp and it said it's low, when you're sick isn't it supposed to be high? Oh well whatever. I feel kind of sad right now, for no particular reason. Just out of no where, not like angry sadness, or life is horrible sadness, more like... like a sad longing. Maybe it's from sitting around in this house doing nothing for days, I don't have much energy to do much else though, hopefully I'll start getting better. I want to go away with John. Like say to him ok right now, me and you are taking a trip to..ummm..the Bahamas. No, Jamaca, that would be better. And just go there, like right now, no planning, and just stay there for a week, or maybe forever. Or maybe go to a third world country, and help set up irrigation systems. I would say go to the rainforests, but John wouldn't like that I think, he hates humidity and stuff. I happen to like humidity, I feel like I'm in the jungle and stuff, it's great!

I had some weird dreams last night. One dream I had was that I was walking by this lake, and I sat down on this bench and was watching the sunset, it was so beautiful, when in the sky I saw like 6 tornados. I ran back home and there were lots of people living in my house for some reason, and we all were trying to tornado-proof our house. At one point the basement caught on fire too, I don't know why, but I grabbed a hose and was trying to put out the flames, and no one would even help me. The tornados ended up not coming though, so nothing bad happened. Then in another dream, I saw this 80's hair band, damnit I forget what band it was, begins with an S I think. Now this is going to bug me for the rest of the day, lol. Well anyway, that's about all for now.

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