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Date: 2001-05-08
Time: 7:29 p.m.
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

sitting around doing nothing

I'm bored right now. I feel like such a dork, I've pretty much just been sitting around waiting for John to call me all day. I'm so happy, I did an hour of Tae Bo last night, and 1/2 hour of aerobics this morning. And I was planning on moving furniture today, if John ever calls, so that will count as exercise too, kind of. I have papers to do damnit, why can't I do them?? Today I'm doing pretty well food-wise. For breakfast had Fiber One cereal (80 cals), then lunch a small thing of fat free yogurt (60 cals) then for dinner just now I had rice, I'm still munching on it, (200 cals). So you know, not too bad. Still wondering what I'll have to eat before bed. Geez, I'm so weird, I like plan out what I'm having to eat for the day, not that I necessarily stick to it. I'm not feeling very happy right now, not really for any reason. Maybe cause I know I have shit to do, but for some reason I'm just not doing it, it's overwhelming. I think I'm going to go watch For the Love of Nancy, that's the best movie, I love it! I wish they showed her thinner though, like when she really was in the hospital for anorexia, at that point she really was thin. I'd like to see more thin people on tv. I mean really thin, like thinner then Kate Moss, cause I don't even think she's all that thin, I know I'm deranged :P People always say she's anorexic looking, but I don't see that, she looks normal weight to me, I'd like to get thinner then that. Well, off to get some thinspiration from the movie!

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