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Date: 2001-02-26
Time: 03:46:05
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com


I'm like wigging out right now :( My dad just yelled at me about doing the dishes. My fucking sister was just yelling to him about it, that I embarresed her cause all the dishes are on the sink! WHAT THE FUCK! Now my mind is all scrambled! Damn, this always happens when I don't take my Zoloft at the right times :( I took it today at like 6pm instead of early afternoon/morining. So now he yelled at me, and I'm all fucked up. Normally I would be normal about it....what the fuck is wrong with me??? God, this is so bad, I mean I want to go off the Zoloft, but see this is what happens when I'm not on it, I get all overly sensitive and shit. I mean I want to go off it because it's giving me an annoying sexual side effect....but then it's like, I get all emotionally unstable :( Maybe I can get on some other anti-depressant and it will work out? God I don't want to go back to being like this though. It's like something like this happens, someone yells at me, and my head gets all muttled, like I can't focus and I feel sort of confused, and all upset, I just can't function right. Blah. And I have to write a paper, it was due at 12pm, and now it's 11pm, almost 12 hours later!! And I didn't even start it!! I'm such a fuck up.

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