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Date: 2001-02-15
Time: 00:11:28
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

V-day reject

Well happy fuckin valentines day. I, of course, got REJECTED! Well, I gave him the pez dispenser, and told him that I think he's a really cool guy, he gave me a hug, then I said and you don't even have to say anything back, ummmm, so I just wanted to tell you that I think you're a really cool guy. At which point, I realize that he really hasn't said anything, which ya I said he didn't have to but DUH, of course I wanted him too!!!! So he hugs me, one of those "sorry you didn't win but here's your conselation prize" hugs, a "Thanks for all the effort, I gotta at least hug you for it" hug. Then I was like well, uh, I guess I should go now, but then he said no you can hang out. So we hung for a bit, and talked about whatever. Ouch. OUCH. Well, I guess it's not like I knew for a fact whether he liked me or not. But.....aahhh!!! I mean, he turned me down....what the fuck???? Ok, I definatly am not a snob, but seriously I never usually have a problem getting guys, I mean if I like a guy he'll usually like me too. I guess I've never actually done that before though, just come out and said that to someone, so I've never been turned down like that. I always wait for the guy to tell me he likes me. So here I am in Loserville. Rejected. I mean he said he's been single for 2 years....geez man! Hello, take up an offer when you see one! Well, Katie tried to help me feel better though, she said he must be gay lol. Oh well. So I'm fasting now. For some reason, since he turned me down I decided I just cannot eat, so today all I had was for lunch a half a bowl of FruitLoops, no milk. I'll probably eat dinner tomorrow, that's all. Geez I gotta lose this weight.

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