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Date: 2001-01-25
Time: 21:30:15
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

bad day!

Ok, today SUCKS! This is just one of those days that everything just totally blows. Ok, first of all, I got up and went to class....one problem though, IT WAS THE WRONG CLASS!!! How embarrising! I realized that I thought today was Monday not Thursday! Doh! So I realized that I had missed the first 2 classes of the day, but I did end up making it to the third. It's Culture of South America. So far it seems very very boring. I kept trying to stay focused but it was so hard. I can tell it's going to be a tough class to keep my attention on. Anyway, just when I figured hey, well at least now I'm home and nothing else will suck, MORE!!!! My dad just announced that he and my grandfather are going food shopping >:( I hate when he does that! Whatever is on sale, he buys it, he's like a shopaholic! So I know for a fact he's going to come home with all this crap that we already have, and NONE of it will be lowcal!!!! I hate this. Now what am I supposed to do?? I mean geez, I know I'm a bit obsessive over food, but you know there's just certain foods we can and can't have in the house. There are certain brands of each type of food that I have to buy, and if it's the wrong one I'm pissed off! Ok here I am sounding like a lunitic again. But I can't help it, I'm just soooo anxious right now! Just thinking...what will he come home with? How much? What if he buys tons of something we already have tons of??? There are certain brands I have to have, and certain amounts of it. Like I bet he'll come home with a couple giant jars of peanutbutter, NOT lowfat. Of course, we already have 2 jars! What am I to do.... to anyone else in the world, this would like, not even take up a second thought, but of course mental me has to be like OCD. I told him specifically not to buy anything, but then again I always do, and he always buys stuff. God. I'm going to make him return it all. Oh! The other bad thing today, is that I'm still 95lbs!! Grrrr.....I SUCK. I fucking wanted to be at least 93, if not 90. But of course my weight does not budge. But I will get it down, I must! This is inexcusable! Well, it is still just the begining of the semester, so I'll give myself a little leeway, maybe by next weekend, that should be enough time. Uuuffff...plus I didn't exercise today! I want to but I'm too tired, I wish I wasn't so exhausted everyday. And I know I promised myself that I would start to eat more now since I started school and all, but I just can't, not yet. First I'll lose the weight, then I'll up my cals. Man, won't anything go right today?

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