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Date: May. 29, 2004
Time: 10:57 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

So annoyed.

Oh my goodness. A couple days ago I was all hyper and feeling good about my job. And then yesterday I changed my mind. Such a freakin stressful irritating day. Imagine being surrounded by 22 five year olds that are taller then you. Yeah, it's like that. I know that sounds mean, but honestly that's how they act. They can be nice, or they can completely ignore me, not listen, argue over dumb stuff, be bossy, etc. I was SO embarrised too, this guy came over that worked there but I hadn't met him before, so we shook hands and said hi. But you know when you meet a guy that's hot, and you both lock eyes for a sec? Well, that happened, and this girl patient standing next to us was like "I saw that", and I said "What?", she said "I saw that energy when you guys looked at each other" (while he's still standing right there), me:"What are you talking about" and then she preceeded to immitate us, and said "Look you're getting all red! See it's true!", oh man I seriously turned beat red. Cause that's just one of those things you don't point out! So I tried to just ignore him after that for a little while cause I was too embarrised. But he was hot lol.

At the end of the day though, I walked around for a bit and tried to just blow off steam from all the frustrations of being there. It can really be too much. Now I have a long weekend so hopefully that will give me time to feel less stressed. It can be really taxing there. And it's hard constantly being surrounded by loud people.

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