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Date: Apr. 01, 2004
Time: 12:47 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Such a rainy day

So I applied for a job at a mental hospital, and I got the job! I had the interview today. It was funny, the first thing we talked about was fish lol. He said "I saw on your resume that you were an Aquatic Specialist, do you have fish?" and then from there we realized we both have pet turtles, and he was asking me about how to fix a problem with his filter lol! He said he was going to put me with the adolescant ward, which is the hardest :/ Hmmm... well I guess I would like to work with adolescents, but the hardest ward?? I have no experience! Except for majoring in psychology. But still. I'm so nervous now, I feel like I'm going to totally fuck up and be a failure. Do I have it in me to be able to be in charge of people who may be violent/angry/suicidal? I think I can handle suicidal people, but if someone is yelling at me and throwing chairs...would I be able to help them? I dunno. They're going to train me for 2 weeks, so hopefully that will help. In the meantime, I really should work out more since he said I will be trained to restrain patients, my arms are still only like half as strong as they used to be(cause of my arm injury a few years ago). So I really need to start lifting more regularly! I used to restrain dogs and cats at the animal hospital I used to work at, but a person is much bigger. I hope I can handle it.

Today started off shitty though. Tomorrow is the last day we're allowed to drop classes, and of course me being the slacker I am I still had a class I needed to drop. Today was the last day I'd be able to go to the class to have the teacher sign the form. So I got up and went, and wouldn't you know, I was LATE, class had already started. I was so anxious, I had to get it signed!! I had a PAL appt. so I figured I would go and ask if it was ok for me to leave just before that other class ended, so I could catch him on the way out. Anyway, so I got to my PAL advisor, and there's some other girl sitting there. My advisor goes "Oh hi! I didn't think you'd show up, so I just had someone else come instead"...grrr...bitch! I was like umm ok. She was like "You were supposed to be here at 11:30 and you weren't so.." and I was like whooaaa there, my time is 12pm!! She was like "oh yeah! I guess I changed the scheduale and forgot to tell you, tee hee! Sorry!". God, you know she's nice and all, but I don't like her. She's ditzy and kind of a bitch in a passive kind of way(like failing me last semester, what the fuck? Totally not my fault!). I want my old advisor back. She was so much better.

So I as I left I thought hey, not that bad, at least now I have time to go back to wait for that class to get out, so it worked out ok. I go to the class...by the way, all of this is me walking around in the fucking rain...so I go there, early mind you, and everyone's GONE!! I was so pissed/upset! That's the second time I've tried to go to that class and he lets everyone before he's supposed to. So I said fuck this shit, I'm forging his initials on this form! I was a bit scared cause I didn't want to get in trouble, and after writing in his sig I realized I did it in like my exact handwriting(doh!). But I handed it in and no one said anything.

Tonight I was going to call Hilary and have a talk with her. But I wasn't feeling well and am tired so I didn't. I was going to talk to her about what she was saying the other night when she was drunk. She started badmouthing Jon, saying he's a snob. Ok WHAT???? Jon is SO not a snob, and Hilary is a HUGE snob. So that really makes no sense whatsoever! Plus she's been hostile to him ever since Jon and I started going out. And I just want to settle this, and ask her what her deal is. And I'm fully prepaired to let her know that she's 10 times the snob that Jon is. I really wanted to tell her off when she was trashed and saying it, but she was wasted, so it would have been really stupid, so I told myself I would wait till she was sober. Hopefully tomorrow I'll talk to her about it. I quit purging, again! Yep. I need to be sane if I'm working in a mental hospital. So I'm going to eat healthy and exercise. Yay me.

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