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Date: Feb. 01, 2004
Time: 1:12 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

A big fat fucking vagina

That's what my sister called me, a "big fat fucking vagina". Rather crude don't you think? We got into this big arguement about the dishes. There's no point in even detailing it. She just acts like such a BITCH! I kept telling her that too, and that she's psycho. Seriously, as usual she's going off at me for some inane reason, then later is all friendly and bubbly...hello psycho!! How can people just forget things just like that? Scream at you then the next second everything's dandy? I just can't be like that. I get mad and stay mad. I felt like cutting myself after our spat, the feelings inside to awful to endure. But instead I just choked them down. Now I'm angry at everyone and everything. Yet when my sister comes over and is all smiley, I smile back and act nice, a fake smile painting my face because...because I apparently I don't have a right to still be upset. I just need to get over it right?

I looked for a new tv today, no luck though. And I got laid yesterday, and I actually initiated it, I actually had a sex drive :) Then later on I danced/grinded with Jon, guess I was just in a sexy mood!

Starting monday is when I start my diet. I've been letting myself eat whatever cause I'm sick, but by monday I'll be pretty much all better, so that's when I start. 1,000 calories a day, plus an hour of exercise 5 days a week. Weekends may be no exercise or maybe half an hour, haven't decided.

OH and you know what totally sucks??? I can't really drink alcohol anymore! Everytime I drink it now, I feel really sick after or puke! I'm talking like after 2-3 beers. It's awful. Damn stomach problems! I take Prilosec plus last time I took 2 ultra strength Tums but didn't work at all. *sigh* I WANT TO DRINK!

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