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Date: Jan. 01, 2004
Time: 11:55 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

It's a new year, and I'm still sick >:(

Yay Happy New Year. I stayed home with Jon last night, we were both too sick to go out. But we still had a decent time just hanging out. My dad had a party, it was so lame. All day he was cleaning the house like a mad man, which he always does before people come over...I mean like he was cleaning the TOASTER, what the hell lol? Whatever, I swear he has OCD.

So he had all his friends over, which I did not want to be around cause I was sick and don't like them. But of course everytime we went upstairs to get food they kept harassing me. One of his friends was hitting on me too, ufff. Then someone decided to break out a key board and have everyone do singalongs, and that's when I realized just how bad that party sucked! Jon and I just stayed downstairs and turned up the movie Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, trying to ignore the loud singing.

I'm stiiiiiilllllll siiiiiiiiiick! It's pissing me off cause I have all this shit I need/want to do, and I can't. For one thing, I really need to go to the pet store and pick up some frozen rats for my snake and filter cartriges. My snake's going to like, eat me in my sleep if I don't feed him soon lol! And I totally want to redo my room. Plus other things too.

My gyno specialist appt. was yesterday, but I had them change it to tomorrow, figured I'd give myself a couple days to try to get better...I really hope I'm well enough to go, I seriously don't like putting something important like this off.

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