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Date: Aug. 24, 2003
Time: 3:29 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Bad Jon, bad!

Jon is fully moved now to his new place in my town. Origionally I was going to help him move, but things did not go as planned. His car was in the shop, so I was driving him to his old apartment, and would then drive him to the moving truck he had put on hold. Unfortunatly, when we got to his apartment he found that his roommates had changed the locks on him! He was so pissed, the fact that they did that plus no one was answering the door so he couldn't get his stuff and he had the moving truck for today. So we got back in my car to go back to his new place and get his roommates cell numbers to tell them he needed to get in. In the car he was all pissed off, and started acting like a bitch to me. So I told him to stop taking out his frustrations on me, I didn't do anything wrong. He apologized. He then started getting all pissed off again, and this time he starting PUNCHING my car! I was like what the fuck?! I wouldn't take that shit, so I started yelling at him saying it was MY car he had no right to do that. He started trying to explain saying he was just frustrated and I said that's no excuse, he needs to act like an adult. He apologized and said how he's so stressed lately and naming all these things that went wrong...I just said "You know what? I don't CARE! You need to suck it up! You need to act like an ADULT!" and in regards to him punching the door I said "So what's next, my FACE??". He apologized more, and I just said I didn't care if he apologized. I mean seriously, it's my fucking car, he has no right to punch it, or to take his anger out on me! He asked if I was still going to help him move or not and I said no. So I dropped him off at Mike's house and left. Yes I was harsh, but you need to nip that shit in the bud. Gotta let people know right off the bat what you will and will not accept. I ain't letting him get away with shit. So I didn't talk to him till that night, then I went over and we made up. I hate to sound sexist or anything, but honestly being in a relationship is like haveing a dog, you gotta train them. If they do something bad, you need to punish them or else they will never learn and walk all over you. I felt bad being a huge bitch to him but he needed to learn.

Tonight I went over Katie's house and we watched Best In Show. Her sister watched it with us, she's a dog groomer and she said that people in dog shows seriously do act like that, lol! Then we went out to eat. Exciting.

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