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Date: Aug. 16, 2003
Time: 3:41 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Jon's annoying me!

*sigh* Been having issues with Jon the past couple days. Tonight I went over Hilary and Mike's apartment. Jon called my cell and asked if I would come over afterwards but I said maybe, intending not to. So I came home and came online, when I hear the familier sound of pebbles being thrown at the window. So I let him in and I had a talk with him, telling him how he can't just keep coming over randomly. I told him how when it reaches a certain point it become possessive, cause he's just assuming I'll drop everything for him, and like I have no say in the matter of if or when we hang out. I mean it's not that I don't want to see him, but it bugs me when he just randomly comes over whenever, as if my entire day is spent waiting for him to suddenly pop by. Especially if I say that I will maybe stop by...which mean ME, not him coming over here regardless. So anyway, we talked and he completely understood and agreed. I feel bad cause I know he has attatchment issues, his mom was really bad to him growing up. I understand he wants to grab hold of people in his life to get stability and love. But I can't be his teddybear, his security blanket. So after we talked I sent him home. He asked if we can hang out tomorrow...honestly I would have but after him coming over tonight it sort of ruined our day apart I was hoping to have, so I probably won't. I just wish I didn't have to keep telling him things like this. I told him if he keeps up with crowding me and shit, it's just going to drive me away. And it's not a threat, it's just a fact. I just hope he can finally get it. The fight we had yesterday was a similar situation, well not the same but still on the him crowding me issue (he got all pissed off that I wouldn't spend the night with him).

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