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Date: Jul. 30, 2003
Time: 1:54 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

My Day

This morning as I emerged from the bathroom and went upstairs, I saw that Jon was here. I was kind of annoyed at first cause it was unexpected (hey, I'd just woken up, give me a break). So we hung out for a bit, I went in my room to find a nice surprise: a bouquet of flowers he had secretly put on my bed :) He's so sweet! Later on I went to my therapy appt. I haven't been in so long, I was so nervous. I'm so weird, I've been going to her for like 3 years and I still get nervous seeing her. Afterward I was thinking about how Jon got me flowers, so I decided to visit him at work since I never do, and bring him a snickers bar for a present cause those are his favorite. Afterwards I talked to Julie on the phone and we gossiped about Katie and Jim, hehe.

Since today was Katie's birthday, I went over to eat dinner with her, Michael and her family. I was upset though, knowing we'd have to eat all this food. I ended up purging 2/3 of it. Thankfully the cake was icecream cake, so I declined proclaiming my lactose intolerence. After, Katie, Michael and I went out to a bar. Katie talked about hooking up with Jim, and from then on the atmosphere was tense (Michael has a thing for Katie). Then Michael got all self deprecating and I talked with him a little bit about it. I started smoking again today, I bought a pack of Liggets. I was sick of bumming smokes off of everyone, I know I'm getting annoying about it!

Jon came over after I got back. We had a talk about how I think I'm fat. He says I'm "very thin". Please! That's a bunch of horse crap. I feel bad though, I feel like I should warn him that I'm planning on losing 10 more pounds (I already lost 5), but what good would that do? He'd just try to talk me out of it. My therapist told me to try to add 300 calories more to what I'm eating. Right. I'm going to subtract 300 calories instead, to punish myself for eating more then 800 calories lately...now I must eat 500 >:(

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