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Date: Jul. 19, 2003
Time: 12:50 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Drunk and complimented

*Edited to add that I no longer have Comments due to down grading my account, but do still have my guestbook.*

Oops, I just knocked over one of my cd stands, kinda drunk! Tonight was odd. I got told by 4 different people at the bar that I'm beautiful, only one was a guy. Weeeiiiiiiiiiiiiird! The first girl, I was in the bathroom fixing my hair, and a girl walks in and says my name, and it's this girl I went to school with in high school. She was one of the popular girls...in high school I was Miss Goth Loner Girl, so it was odd that she was like "Oh my God!!" and hugged me! She told me all this stuff, and then her friend came in too. That girl I went to school with too, and I immediatly noticed she was now underweight. I could tell she had an eating disorder. Both told me I was beautiful, and the odd thing was they said "But you always were beautiful", I mean I thought I was the ugly freak in school?? It's so weird to be told by the former "popular" girls that they thought you were beautiful in high school. The girl that wore all black and dyed her hair with greeen and red markers, the one that wore safety pins all over my boots so that if I wanted to cut myself I could just reach down....

I saw this other anorexic girl that Katie knew, I swear her hips were the size of my waist! Her hipbones made her waist seem square. I couldn't stop staring and feeling envious.

I admit I haven't been eating much. I was purging like I said before but now I'm more just restricting food instead. I kind of want to eat/puke right now but I'm tired. Yeah I'm dumb, I know. It just feels safe eating less. I can't explain it.

I'm doing an interview for a website!! More details later...one it's posted, I'll give the link.

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