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Date: Mar. 27, 2003
Time: 5:40 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Stop stalking me loser!!!

I'm in a bitchy mood right now, infact I was just bitching my dad out. I was once again letting him know that he treats me differently then my sister, yelling at him that he's constantly bossing me around to clean and shit, yet he doesn't say a word to her about doing anything. I even quoted him on saying certain things and he said I was lying *rolls eyes* Whatever! Live in your dreamworld.

I'm also pissed cause my fucking STALKER called me!! He hasn't called me in so long I thought I was rid of him! Fuck man. I really don't understand how that boy can not take a hint, I think I make it fairly clear to him that I'm not into him, any other person on the planet would have realized this. It's all cause I made out with him that one time. Er...two times. All I wanted was some action, that's it. Infact, I've dubbed him The Most Boring Person In The World, he definitly holds the raining title. So I admit, knowing that he was extremely boring, I made out with him cause all I wanted was a booty call, and he pissed me off so much cause all he was doing was talking. Mind you, this happened a very long time ago, yet he thinks we have something and keeps calling me. I wanted action, he wouldn't put out, I have no need for him in my life. I'm honestly going to have to start being very mean to him. I already act bored when he calls and purposely create awkward silences and constantly mention my boyfriend(even when I was single)...what else can I do? I'm just going to have to lay it straight out for him next time. Everytime he calls I think he gets the messege but he doesn't.

Today I was going to go running. But I'm kinda too lazy. I've never run in my life. Yet a few days ago I decided I want to be in a marathon... This means I would have to actually START running at some point right?

Last night I had a bad dream. Before I went to bed I took laxatives, so in the dream I dreamed that my body had reacted really bad to them and my electrolytes were all fucked up. In the dream I opened my eyes and I had all these tubes down my throat, and I started freaking out. My dad and mom were there (I dream about my mom sometimes). My dad started yelling at me for having an eating disorder, and saying how they found me on the floor and brought me to the ER, and how stupid and selfish I am. I was so upset and ashamed, I wanted to die. He just kept yelling me, he was so pissed off. My mom kept trying to comfort me and telling my dad to stop yelling at me. This is the second dream this week I've had of someone yelling at me as I cry. Hmmm.

Thank you for the comments on my pictures *blush* I honestly wouldn't mind if you say I'm ugly too by the way. Hippo: you naughty girl, looking at my theighs like that! ;) Andria: Nope, but EVERYONE tells me that, that I look very familier. I have like 500 twins out there or something! Limes-sugar: I met Screetch when he did a stand up act at my college(er..past tense). I feel special.

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