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Date: Feb. 21, 2003
Time: 6:33 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Oy, another fight.

I'm so exhausted I could die. Work was so hectic today, we got 6 orders of animals in today, I was running around like crazy trying to get everything done! Then went to Home Depot to buy some stuff for my animals, then came home and re-setup my turtle tank with a new brick and filter, fuddled around with wires, fed my snake...now gotta feed my lizard. Yesterday I set up my 29 gallon fish tank which took HOURS. Yep, 29 trips back and forth to fill it, then had to take out 10 gallons and fill it again. Weeee. Being all psyched up to buy African Cichlids, I tested my water just incase...and of course what happens? My tap water is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT then it used to be!! How annoying and odd is that? It went from insanely high PH to neutral, and from very hard to soft. So now I had to buy stuff to raise the PH, and I'm not sure if it's going to stay at this ph/hardness level or if it will switch back, what the fuck is my town doing to the water?? I'm aware this sounds really lame, but if you have fish then you know how annoying that would be.

Yesterday I made myself throw up....shhhh don't tell anybody! :P

So my dad and aunt got into a fight. My aunt wrote him this angry letter because when I was away with Jon, she called and asked where I was and he said "she's out with Jon", he didn't tell her I was away with him all weekend. So she got totally pissed off and wrote him a nasty email, to which he angrily replied back. The whole situation is stressful, they keep putting me in the middle of it. Like my aunt keeps buying me stuff, like just random things I don't even need so then in the letter she says how SHE has to buy me stuff cause my dad doesn't care about me, she's purposely buying me things so that she can say how crappy my dad is. Then she called me and was saying "aren't I right??" and asked if I yelled at my dad about what he wrote/stuck up for her. I told her no cause I just didn't want to get involved so then she just starts yelling at me :( I can't win no matter what I do! If I don't take her side at all times and say I hate my dad then she yells at me that I'm against her. Why can't she just...ufff, there's no point. I know inside she loves me very much, she's just a very messed up person. I hate the whole situation and wish both of them wouldn't always make me choose sides and try to make me bash the other.

Jon Jon Jon *sigh* I miss him. He's not coming up this weekend :(

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