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Date: Feb. 03, 2003
Time: 1:13 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

"Sitting on an angry chair, angry walls that steal the air"

Fucking rage and hostility....I walk around wanting to punch walls, throw things, smash things. I wrote to my therapist and she told me basiclly to allow myself to feel the anger and that it's ok to be angry at certain things. But I don't know what I'm angry at, I just randomly want to scream at people, tell everyone to fuck off and get away from me. I feel bad cause I've been being a bitch, I mean normally I don't take my anger/emotions on other people, but with so much rage it keeps slipping, bursts of fire shoot out of my mouth and through my actions. I feel bad for my dad, I'm being completely intolerable to him, I constantly leave messes out then hostily refuse to clean them up. I keep calling him an asshole and walking out the door as he's still talking to me. Right now I'm listening to Eminem, I feel like i can match my anger to his, seriously listen to his lyrics and that is how pissed off I am.

And I've been moody with Jon, I feel bad. I alternately tell him how much I care about him, then become icy and cold, pushing him away. I know it hurts him, but I can't help it. He's just so...overwhelming at times. He constantly talks about his emotions, about how he misses me and cares about me, how much I affect him. I know it's nice of him and great things to hear someone say, but part of me wants to run far far away when I hear those things. Why can't he just be cool and unemotional? It would certainly be easier for me. I don't understand why he's not like that, why does he just tell me his feelings?? Sometimes I feel like he's suffocating me, and it makes me angry and cold, it makes me feel like I don't like him. And then I get scared, what if I don't actually like my boyfriend? What if he moves here and I don't want him? But then my mind changes and I appreciate how wonderful he is to me. I feel like he's chasing me, and I'm always running. Only when he stops to catch his breath do I walk back over. I tried to explain to him by compairing it to waking up in the morning. Like being in a dark room, and suddenly someone just turns the lights on, and they're so bright you sheild your eyes, it hurts to open them. I need him to dim the lights, my eyes are not adjusted. I compaired it to being frostbiten, and he asked if I was quoting lyrics and said I'm poetic :P I guess I just wish he'd give me a chance to appreciate him instead of overwhelming me so much.

We talked a little more about me eating disorder, he's so understanding. He said he would imagine that it's a harder addiction to quit then heroin, I'd have to agree. Bah, why am I such a bitch to him?

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