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Date: Jan. 20, 2003
Time: 8:54 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

My weekend

This weekend was great :) The only thing that sucked was that I got my PERIOD!!! Grrrrr... of course I had to get it Friday night just before Jon arrived. Friday he stayed at Hilary and Mike's apartment, I stayed late but I didn't sleep over. Then Saturday and Sunday night we got a hotel room :) He had rented it earlier that day, and as we walked in I saw lying on the bed was a big bouquet of a dozen red roses! It was actually 13, the extra was a white rose. It's huge though, all this fern and baby's breath. We then showed each other our photo albums, for some reason we had decided to bring them, hehe we're such geeks. Then we listened to music, he read my poems and Shakspeare, and then we did....stuff... ;) I'm so glad I took off work for the weekend, it was great just lying in bed all day, not having to be anywhere, it was like being on vacation! I haven't had a weekend off since god knows when. And being with Jon was just awsome, I feel like it was a dream, I can hardly imagine that he really exists, maybe it was all just a dream.

Sunday night we went out to eat with Hilary, Mike and Stew. Mike and Hilary were fighting the whole time which made things awkward, everyone bitched about how awful life was except for Jon and I, we just sat silently. Hearing them talk about how awful life is I just really didn't want to participate in that. I mean I'm at a point in my life where I'm just trying to stay alive...it's odd how that changes your perspectives on things. Like instead of saying "I hate my job" like everyone else, I thought it too but then was silently thinking "I have the energy to walk now". Puts things in perspective eh? As everyone pessimisticly bitched, I realized life still had that new car smell to me. I've been eating normal for awhile now yet still everything seems newer and brighter, suddenly instead of dwelling on the negative I find myself thinking positive. "If I could just quit smoking, then I know I'd be able to do anything in the world" Mike said, and it made me think of myself. Eventually I calmly explained to Mike that he should stop fighting with Hilary and apologize to her, and he actually listened, as if my words had meaning. I then started saying my views on bad and good, how bad experiences are underestimated because people don't realize that from every bad experience you can learn something from, making comparisons to Ying and Yang, ect. They all seemed really interested in my views, you know in some ways I think I have become more wise. I truely believe that instead of just letting bad experiences pass you by, one should try to make the most of it, learn what there is to be learned, gain experience, instead of just bitching about how life is unfair. There is no fair and unfair in life, there is just how it is, and what you can or can't do to change it.

In other news, my grandmother went into the hospital today from pneumonia. My dad just came in the room and said "Oh by the way I forgot to tell you, it might actually be congestive heart failure". Yep, that's my dad. Leaving out those details there.

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