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Date: Nov. 18, 2002
Time: 3:46 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Wow my connection let me update!

What I wouldn't give to just be able to SLEEP! Ever since I began eating again, I can't get more then 4 hours of sleep at a time. How very annoying. Right now I'm freezing, cause not only does my father shut off the heat at night, but I'm also eating ice cream. I'm very intelligent as you can see. I definitly think ice cream is too cold, I wish someone would invent warm ice cream. Hey it's possible right? Maybe? Why don't more places sell that dot ice cream, you know those little round balls? Those are so good.

Today was actually a fairly pleasant day, the notion of which hit me suddenly in the evening, "Hey, I'm NOT depressed, today was actually...not bad!". I noticed myself feeling bits of happiness throughout the day, even though for most the day I was at work. Some guy came in and gave a salamander(a former waterdog), it was sooooo cute! Hey fuck off, salamanders are cute damnit. So I set up a cage for him and that made me happy, and I wished I could take him home with me :) But no! Too many damn animals already. But I was thinking of setting up my little 2 1/2 gallon tank and putting in a couple of fiddler crabs, how neat would that be? I really want to but once again already have all my reptiles and fish to deal with. I want crabs though!! Heh, that sounds odd saying that. Oh and that whole deal with the Asst. Manager Catherine being a total bitch has been resolved, yay! Apparently she told Evil Eric that he couldn't transfer till Christmas, which is stupid since I'm all set to take his place, there's no reason not to transfer him. So he went and called up the other store and told the manager what she said, his response was "I'll take care of it". Today Catherine told me that Evil Eric's transfering on Wednesday, which means full time for me now. I'm glad she got put in her place, I don't know what the hell was her problem, first lying to me about being put on full time, then not letting him leave...I swear she has something against me, but I really don't give a shit. She just better not cross me, she knows I'll be a bitch right back! So I'm happy about going full time, not that I particularily love working but I need it.

Then tonight talked to Julie on the phone for hours, she had that thing where they look at the baby, an ultrasound? No that doesn't sound right...well whatever, so she saw the baby inside and she said it's 2 inches right now. I hope everything goes ok, she's a high risk pregnency and has been complaining that she's tired more often, but the docter says she's ok so far which is good. I told her about all the shit that's been going on in my life, with the exception of the ED part. She knows I have an ED but I NEVER talk to her about it. It felt good to tell her the other stuff though, about my dad and the lawyer shit, dropping out of school, and my aunt and grandfather being their nutty selves. She said it sounds like a lot of people are saying mean things to me lately, and it's not right. And I told her about how yesterday I found out my dad actually has been stealing money from me, he's been deducting "parking tickets" from the trust fund when I KNOW I've paid them myself! And no not the $20 ones, I'm talking the at least $50 a pop ones, along with speeding tickets(I've had many many tickes *hangs head in shame*). I know I've either paid them straight out or paid my dad back if I didn't have enough at the time to pay. But I know I've paid every single one. I'm going to have to go through the list he has and add up how much he's stolen. Oh and my dad got the letter from the lawyer demanding a list of all the ways he's spent our money. He hasn't mentioned anything to me about it, but I did see a letter back to the lawyer that he wrote, saying that my aunt and grandfather are manipulating me and my sister and making us paranoid of him. Obviously like I said, we have a right to be suspicious, since he IS stealing!

Anyway I'm tired I'm going to try to get some sleep, tomorrow I'm going shopping again with my aunt. The only problem is that I am/will be gaining weight, so I don't know what sizes to buy. *sigh* Size zero no more :'(

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