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Date: Jul. 03, 2002
Time: 8:43 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Going clubbing and funny people who dislike me.

I'm so mad, my EMAIL'S NOT WORKING!! NOOOOOOO! Hehe. I have everything in my email, I email myself things like links, things I want to remember, etc. So basicly without it working I have nothing to do. Boo hoo. I'm kind of tired right now, which is totally stupid considering I woke up at 6pm!! Seriously I got 12 hours sleep and I'm still tired. The good thing though is I haven't eaten anything since last night, except for just now had a cheese stick(80 calories?). I'll probably binge/purge when I get back tonight. Oh I'm going clubbing, yay! I haven't gone to the goth club in forever, for awhile I'll go every week then for awhile I just won't go ever. Tonight is customer appreciation night, so we get in for free! I'm going with Hilary and Katie, I called Christopher but no answer. I haven't seen him in months, but we still talk. So ya, I'm being social today, go me.

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