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Date: Jul. 01, 2002
Time: 10:30 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com


Doh! I said I was going to wait to weigh myself till after my bloatedness went down(after I get my period). But I did anyway, I couldn't take it anymore. This morning after I threw up I had the most HORRIBLE stomach pain! It really sucked, I literally couldn't even move cause the pain was so unbearable. It wasn't actually my stomach, it was my abdomen. Guess I should ease up on the purging eh?

I'm soooooo happy and free now that my dad is gone! Weeeee! It's so wonderful! Happy happy joy joy! It's like when I went away to school for the first time(the first college I went to), that feeling of relaxation, being able to finally feel free and not have that familier feeling of anxiety and frustration. It's not like I have it that bad here, but me and my dad just don't get along. We've always...or more accuratly, HE'S always had major control issues with me. I have no idea why he's like that. He acts like a spoiled 3 year old, constantly trying to control me and get his way. I can't stand it. I guess I have control issues too, but I don't go trying to control everyone, more like now I HATE when people try to control me or tell me what to do. To not have someone constantly throwing a tantrum at me, to not hear the constant fighting between him and my sister.....blessing to the ears! Oh it's weird, I actually got him to admit something annoying that he used to do. Normally when past things get brought up, he just dismisses them saying it never happened or that I'm remembering wrong. I brought up how whenever I used to bring home a guy, he'd purposely say "Why are you dressed like that? Are you dressing in all black because HE'S here? You never dress like that normally." to me, which was a total LIE! I've been dressing this way for a long ass time, and he would purposely say that just to embarrise me. It was the most pointless thing ever, and I Don't even know why he would do that. Why would you make that up to embarrise someone? So I brought that up, and he said "Ya, you're right." shrugging his shoulders. Geez...for him to admit to doing that and not try to turn it around on me(he still won't admit to spraining my thumb or that he was wrong for hitting me).

Oh my god I'm SO HUNGRY! I was doing fine till I decided to eat a peach cause I was so dizzy. I want to binge and purge but this morning really sucked. Then there's always actually keeping it down....but I don't know about that. This sucks!

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