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Date: May. 06, 2002
Time: 3:11 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Nature and animals

Aaaahhh.....so nice out! 79 degrees! For the first time in I don't know how long, I feel good. Peaceful. Wow, I didn't realize how long it's been since I felt like this, even though I think feeling this way is normal for most people, it's a rarity for me! I have the window open, nice breeze blowing. I checked the bird house that I put outside, and there are all these sticks in it now!!! Yay! I'm so happy birds are in it, I was afraid none would live in it. That's what made me happy today, knowing birds are in my bird house :) Hey, it's the small things in life that count. Maybe it's also cause I haven't taken the Prozac today, supposedly it's very short lived in your system, more so then other meds(I think Zoloft stays in your body for a week?).

Man, I want to set up a pond in my backyard so badly! I would LOVE to just go outside today and sit by a pond, watching the Koi fish swim. That would be wonderful. I think I'm finally starting to break my dad down to the idea, after harassing him for a pond every spring for years lol. The thing is, I totally would dig it myself and do it all, but unfortunatly because of my shoulder I can't. That sucks, I like doing stuff like that myself, but I'll have to have my dad dig it for me. It would only cost a couple hundred dollars to make, and actually I can get most of that stuff on discount anyway. Right now I just want to be outside in my hard and walk around, I haven't been out in the sun in quite some time(hence my sickly pale face). I'd like to go do some weeding/trimming branches, etc. in my yard, but I dont know if I'll be able to do it with just my right arm. My left shoulder has gotten worse from the Prozac, all that twitching and stuff made my left shoulder muscles get fucked up a bit.

I'm so happy, Julie's Bearded Dragon laid it's eggs yesterday!!! Cool! The only thing is that it takes 2 months for them to hatch, can you believe that long? I don't know, I guess I thought they would hatch in a few days or something, lol. Oh well. I can't wait till I can have one.

I was just talking to Damien, Katie's exboyfriend(me and him talk online now, not sure why) and he said he would build me a top of the line computer for $900! That's so cool, I wish I could build computers. That will be cool though, to be able to customize it. I don't really know how though since I'm not sure what exactly goes into making a computer. Oh well, Katie says he's some type of computer genius so he knows what he's doing.

I feel like I"m in the eye of a tornado...or is it the eye of a hurricane? Do both have "eyes"? Today is when all my shit (2 papers, test, journal entries) are due in my Risky Behavior class. I have none of it done. Yet I am calm. I'm not sure what's going to happen. I really wanted to do it last night, but I just had so much rage in me from the Prozac I wanted to destroy things and I couldn't concentrate.

Damn, it's the week before my period, and now I am craving things. Blech! This always happens.

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