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Date: Apr. 11, 2002
Time: 1:09 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

So sick of my family

Me and my sister just had this huge fight with my dad, just about all the crap that's going on with my family and him being sneaky. I asked him "So who's going to be paying for all these things you want to redo in the house?" and he finally admitted he would be using me and my sisters trust fund to pay for it. Even though HE'S the one who wants this stuff done, or should I say him and Donna. It's fucking bullshit man, he wants to use our money to impress her, yet he's trying to say he's using our money cause in the end it will benefit us, bring up the value of the house. Ya, he just happened to realize all this shit needs to get redone when Donna's going to be moving in. Please, I KNOW it's all her ideas, because I've read his emails! I've seen her say it! And now is the first he's ever said to us that he'd be using our trust fund to pay for all this, he's been saying he wants to get all this stuff done, then when we say well we don't trust you cause you're lying about it, he says he hasn't been lying. Well omiting the truth is lying. He wouldn't have told us if I hadn't brought it up. And you know what, I don't want ANYTHING being redone in the house, because I refuse to cater to her. No, I don't want to make it easier for them to live here. I know it sounds immature, but less agreeable I am to all this, the faster they will move out. I DON'T want to live with them. So if I refuse to get anything redone in the house, she won't want to stay here, cause he's just doing it all to impress her. You know, cause we "only" have a one car garage, we're soooooo poor. I want to live here by myself or with my sister, so they need to go find a house already. Oh now my dad just came in and said "I just want you to know that even though we were argueing I still love you". Oh fuck you man. He doesn't even LIKE me! Back to what I was saying...Donna had the idea of adding another shower downstairs, cause we only have one shower in the house. At first I thought it would be a good idea, but now it's like, why should I make it easier for her to get me out of the way? This is my house too, she needs to deal with it.

God I'm so pissed, I just want to hit something right now. My aunt called and apparently she called up Donna's ex-husband. He was saying how she'll drain my dad of all his money then dump him. Or according to my aunt, that's what he said, she could be making it up who knows. I'm so sick of my family, I wish I could just move to a different country and not have to deal with any of them. It's too exhausting to even type everything down that was said, I don't even want to get into it.

Well, anyway, I felt like shit all day long cause of those goddamn laxatives, I'm NEVER taking those again. Everytime I stood up or walked around I felt like I was going to pass out, I felt so weak I just layed in bed most of the day. Today I had a really hard time eating. I was going to eat an apple but only could eat the "outer part" of it, I could only take bites where the skin was. Then later on I knew I had to eat something cause I was feeling so sick, but I couldn't eat something so instead I drank a protien shake. Then a few hours ago I was walking upstairs and it felt like I was walking through mud and felt really out of it like I was going to pass out so I ate an orange. So I had a little under 300 calories today, that's really the most I could deal with.

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