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Date: Apr. 01, 2002
Time: 7:44 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Agonizing pain

Today at physical therapy I was beaten and tortured. No really, I was. Well tortured at least, perhaps not beaten. I am now in SEVERE pain, so much infact that I skipped my class tonight, which is NOT good! That's my once a week class that I can't miss, but I'm in so much pain I just couldn't go. At physical therapy the guy kept pressing on the spot that hurt, trying to counteract it or something, basicly just kept making it hurt MORE! Over and over! And no, it never counter acted or whatever fucking shit he was trying to do. So in lew of that, he decided to use a new torture device on me I had never experienced. He attatched there circle things to my shoulder that had wires sticking out. Needless to say, it really hurt a lot, it did NOT make me feel better like he said it would. So now I am in excrusiating pain, doing worse then I was previous to my visit. I think that guy just has no idea what he's doing. I hope I get one of the other people next time, and every time thereafter. This is horrible. Yes I took store brand pain relievers, and no they did not help. Anyone got some fucking morphine?? Codiene?? Perkasets? My dad wants me to clean all this crap, but I can't I'm in pain. Why can't I ever not be in pain for once??? It seems I always have some type of cronic pain going on. No seriously, and I'm not even making it up and being a drama queen. Starting in middle school is when my lactose intolerence came back again with a vengence, except I had no idea it was that, all I knew was that almost everytime I ate I had horrible stomach pains, sometimes to the point where I'd be curled up in a ball from the stabbing pains, which literally felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach(when I was tested for it the docter was surprised at how severe mine is). Overlapping this is when in high school my back started hurting,which has never quite stopped. I've been told there is nothing wrong with my back, yet also told I have minor scoliosis, both docters looked at my x-rays to tell me this so how could they be different??)My first year of college(the first time) is when my neck started hurting me chronicly, basicly hurting every single day ALL THE TIME! And it has not stopped since. So basicly I have not been without some sort of daily physical pain since, oh, 12 years old?? Sorry if this whole entry is me bitching, but come on, I am in a large amount of pain here, whaddya want? So now I can add shoulder pain to my list of pain complaints. Oh, and if you're wondering how I can not realize I am lactose intolerent for YEARS, it's because 1)I am stupid 2)I even have reactions to foods that you would not think about the milk in it, such as certain breads, most pasteries, types of sauce. I don't know, just lots of stuff. Ok my dad just gave me some weird gel stuff to put on my shoulder, ew, I hope this helps.

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