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Date: Mar. 09, 2002
Time: 11:10 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

I got the "friend" talk

I hung out with Christopher last night, and we had "The Talk". Basicly I noticed the whole time I was there, he kept a 2 foot distance from me. I was going to say something about it, but then I realized....it's over. Well it never really quite began, so maybe over is not the right word. Different. Eventually he said "Ok I have something I need to talk to you about", I said "Let me guess. You want to be just friends right?" He looked dumbfounded:"How did you know that?" These situations is where my paranoid overly analytical side actually comes in handy! But we talked about it, and I did not get upset at all, I totally understood. He said it had nothing to do with me, he's just still not over his ex. I told him that I went into this knowing full well he was not over her, so I can't say this wasn't expected...don't mean to sound pessimistic but I knew this would happen. Actually if he wasn't going to say it, I was going to say it! So we talked and talked, he complimented me a lot by saying he wished it hadn't of been me, he wished this situation was with some random stupid girl, and not someone he cares about and respects! He said that he likes how I actually think about things. He also said it had nothing to do with my looks either(I asked), that I was really hot! *blush* My oh my. I'm glad he told me this about wanting to be just friends, he's pretty much been honest with me the whole way through which I really respect, and I told him that. It's like the opposite of Bud, where he acted all like he wanted a serious relationship then when he "decided" he didn't have time in his life for one, he started acting all lame and jerking me around, one minute telling me he cared about me the next avoiding me. Christopher did nothing of the sort, I was very aware the whole way through. I wish more people were like that in that aspect. So anyway, we decided we'll still hang out and talk, cause why not? Also he said he'd like to have something more in the future, if it were to happen, he just doesn't want me to be the rebound girl right now. Of course I laughed and jokingly said "Oh I'll wait for you!!" in a girly voice. I feel bad, I mean geez he must really have feelings for that girl. I mean they did go out for 2 years afterall. At the end of the talk he said "Can I have one last kiss?" of course I said no but then he begged so I said alright. Then later on I made him strip down naked except for his boxers. Yup. When I left we gave a goodbye kiss too....ok I think it seems like things are still the same lol. The thing is, I wouldn't mind him being my "kissing friend". Hey that's cool with me! I think that's a cool concept, being just friends with someone but you still get to kiss them! Basicly I'm just going to go with the flow on this one, labeling relationships as this or that is dumb, with Christopher I would like to just let whatever happens happen. That's basicly what's been going on so far, I mean we hang out and also kiss, nothing more. OK I have to get dressed for work now.

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