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Date: Feb. 28, 2002
Time: 9:57 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Random Things

I got this idea from Banana3159 who got it from Outer-jessie. Hehe I am so unorigional.

1) I've been lactose intolerent since I was born, which is actually rare. My first month alive was spent crying 24 hours a day, till finally people realized I could not digest milk.

2) I am addicted to chapstick, I need to apply it at least once a day or my lips will bleed!

3) On any given day I am mostly likely wearing something with a rip in it.

4) I still have and wear a shirt I got in the 5th grade. It says "Class of 90" on it, and it confuses the hell out of everyone.

5) When I was young, I caught a cricket and kept him in a fish bowl as my pet. One day he got loose on my porch, and a few days later I found him there, dead. As I peared down at him, I noticed maggots crawling all over him, and a big worm crawled out of his belly and over him. To this day I am horrified at the sight of maggots.

6) I like the feeling of being drunk off of coke and rum more then any other type of alcohol. For some reason it makes me laugh more.

7) I'm always trying to grow my nails, but always end up biting them.

8) I'm often rude at inappropriate times, which makes it all the more funny and me all the less sorry.

9) A boyfriend once asked if we could be "pre-engaged to being engaged" and I laughed in his face.

10) I have panic attacks when I flush the toilets in public stalls. Yes, I have a fear of the flushing of toilets, I admit it. And yes, I ALWAYS flush them anyway, I'm not gross!

11) I both loath and yearn for love. Affection freaks me out, yet I crave it.

12) I can't stand tomato sauce, the smell of it makes me sick! I love tomatoes though.

13) I always had long hair down to my mid/lower back, and refused to cut ever it. Then one day I shaved my head, and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. If you've never done it, I encourage you to!

14) I watch certain tv shows specifically because I hate them and think they suck.

15) I bawled my eyes out hysterically when I "noticed" my ankles for the first time. I thought I was deformed, and my mom had to calm me down.

16) I secretly wish I was awesome at computer program languages, but I suck really really bad at them.

17) I hate makeup,and the only makeup I wear is black eyeliner, which I wear everyday. Sometimes I wear eyeshadow, and even eyeliner, but never anything else....well, except for my tinted chapstick. But no one has to know about that.

18) I think fruit tastes better when it is microwaved.

19) I am a horrible cook, I microwave everything and occasionally even mess up doing that.

20) My eyes change color: blue, green and grey. People ask if I have colored contacts.

21) I took Algebra 3 times in high school. The first 2 times I failed it, then the third time I got an A :)

22) I sing really loud when I am alone in my car.

23) I almost always remember my dreams when I wake up.

24) I have an obsession with eyebrows. When I talk to people, in my head I mentally pluck their eyebrows for them.

25) I love nature and animals, but I've always wanted to live in the city.

26) A very distant cousin of mine used to be a famous prostitute called China Rose, back in my grandfather's day.

27) I am always 5 degrees colder then the rest of the population. I swear I am a reptile, I've always wanted a giant heat rock!


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