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Date: 2001-03-29
Time: 7:55 p.m.
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com


Grrrrr! My dad pisses me off. He always has to tell me to do something like a million times! I swear he has OCD or something. Like with the dishes, I'll be busy doing something and he'll tell me to do them. 5 minutes later he tells me again...then again, and again!! It's like damn chill out!!! He's a broken record. It's like unless I do it the exact moment he wants me to, he's gotta keep harassing me. It's really annoying, cause he's like this everyday, always harping on me.

Anyway, I'm a total idiot! I can't believe myself, geez. My honors teacher had told me if I miss one more class he will fail me...and of course today I missed another class!! I didn't mean to, I accidently shut off my alarm when I woke up and went back to sleep, I totally didn't mean to. So now what do I do? He's already yelled at me before, given me one of those "if you don't shape up you're out of here" talks....yipes! And now I don't know what the paper that is due Sunday is supposed to be on.

Oh geez, now I feel like eating. Just talking about this makes me want to go stuff my face, but no way!! Today I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, then for dinner had a 95 calorie toasted cheese sandwhich and an apple. So basicly like 300 calories, maybe a few more.

Damn, what was I thinking going off my Zoloft? I'm so damn impulsive sometimes. Usually I don't mind being impulsive, but sometimes it's not a good thing, like how this week I just decided to stop taking it cold turkey. Bad idea, withdrawel symptoms! Plus I've been all wacky and wanting to cut myself, and being my depressed/paranoid/over-analyzing everything self. I hope it starts working again soon, cause I don't like this. I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep forever so I don't have to deal with life.

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