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Date: Apr. 05, 2004
Time: 3:04 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

My tummy :(

Once again Jon is lying in my bed sleeping, and I'm up on the computer, unable to rest. My stomach is just bothering me too much. For like a week or more, my IBS has been acting up big time. It's because I started taking Miralax that the doctor perscribed, but it's making me feel awful! And it sucks cause when I went to get it at the pharmacy, they sold me 2 bottles instead of one, so now I have 1 almost full bottle and one unopened bottle that have gone to waste. I hope I'll be able to return the unopened one, but I don't know. If not I'll sell them both online.

Felt depressed tonight. My sister randomly was a bitch to me, and kinda just sent me down into sadness. I hate that, when one thing happens and it's like a light switch goes off in your mind. I was supposed to work on my paper today but I just sat around and did nothing. I seriously need to work on it.

I've been trying to eat normal, though my appetite is kinda low. I had Jon bring me candy, I figured that's an easy way to get calories in me. I think I may buy some Ensure or Boost if I keep being unable to eat a normal amount. I feel so fucking fat though from my stomach is really bloated from the Miralax. I hate that!

Damnit, I have a quiz tomorrow and I didn't study at all. Oh well.

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