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Date: May. 22, 2002
Time: 5:25 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

I wish I was in a band

I'm watching the top 100 Divas of rock(but also includes soul and blues). I wish I could sing in a band, I would love it so much. Watching this makes me want to take voice lessons to badly. My mom had a beautiful voice, she was a music teacher. When she was younger she used to sing in concerts, and sing at old age homes and stuff. I remember going to this random temple with her once, I have no idea why I think we just were bored or something, hehe. So we went to the service, it was just a short one, and afterwards one of the members came up to her and said "You have such a beautiful voice, it's so wonderful to hear you sing in our temple", or something to that effect. My voice is nowhere near that, but I can sing on tune, so hey that's a start huh? I've always wanted to be in a band. And I wouldn't be one of those lame whispery girls either, I'd sing loud and deep, my voice is more....damn, what's the word, alto I think? I wonder if I took voice lessons if I could actually be in a band? I don't know, I'd probably be too scared to actually try out for one. And what would be the point in just randomly taking voice lessons if I'm not actually going to be singing anywhere? I mean do people do that, just take singing lessons for the hell of it?

I feel crappy today, I didn't sleep all night and finally slept from 12pm till 4pm. I'm all dehydrated and dizzy from puking and not drinking water, yet I won't drink anything, don't know why. I guess I like torturing myself. I need to go to the bank but I'm too lazy.

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