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Date: May. 18, 2002
Time: 2:33 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

See what John looked like when he was 17! Also, don't ever do self accupuncture.

You know I think I forgot to write about the talk I had with John the other day, I actually told him how I felt!! Weird experience for me, I never ever do that. It was last week, when I was upset about how John was all wallowing in pain over his girlfriend dumping him. We were talking online, and he was talking about it saying how he wasn't sure, that he might be in love with her, and I was like THAT'T IT I CAN'T TAKE IT! So I just spilled it out, told him that it's hard for me to hear that, and told him how I feel about him. We had a long talk, and he told me that when he moved, he felt like such an asshole cause he messed up something really good, and that he even considered moving back! Whoa! I never knew that, he never told me any of this, I thought he was just like oh whatever. He said that he still thinks about me and wonders if we'd be together still if he hadn't moved. I'm so glad we had that talk. I mean I know that we won't ever go out again, but it's nice to know that he cared/cares. He also emailed me a picture of him, cause I casually remarked that I don't have any pictures of him. The only thing is that he looks really different in this picture, this is from 5 years ago, he now has a goatee, short spikey blond hair, and cute little glasses! Oh, and I don't know why that spot is on his cheek, camera fucked up?

I wish I had a better one, but I don't want to be all stalker and be like "Send me more pictures!!!" Hehe.

Hmmmm what else? I did manage to sleep for a few hours, 4 I think. Today I'm returning my Rainbow Shark, he's being too much of a bastard to my other fish, must remember to stick with nice community fish. I think I'm going to buy a flounder today for my little brackish water tank, to keep my Leopard Puffer fish company when I get him. My arm is hurting a lot the past couple days, I wonder if it's because I tried to do accupuncture to myself??? And no, I know absolutly nothing about accupuncture, I just randomly decided to try it out and see if I could do it, apparently I should read up on the subject or have a professional do it, instead of just fucking around.

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