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Date: May. 17, 2002
Time: 2:36 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

hair pulling

Damnit, I can't stop pulling my hair out. Aaah, the wonders of Trichotillomania(compulsive hair pulling). At least I don't have it too bad, I feel awful for people who have it so severly that they need to wear wigs and are actually bald from it. I was just wondering if there is some connection with me puking and pulling my hair out, it seems like during periods where I am making myself throw up a lot, I also tend to be pulling out my hair a lot. Odd huh? I mean it didn't start with the bulimia, started waaaaaaay back in the day, I think I was in 3rd grade? At least that's the earliest I can remember doing it. It's such a little known problem, if I ever bring it up people have NO idea what I'm talking about. It's good to be informed of things though, people should know about the types of problems people have to go through. People live in their little bubbles and think anything different is so weird, but seriously those people should try to become more educated, learn more about the world and about their fellow humans. I actually pull out my scalp hair more now then I used to, it was more my eyebrows and eyelashes before.

I remember actually getting in trouble when I was younger, like in elementary school. I used to chew on locks of my hair(can be one of the "symptoms" of it) all the time, and this one teacher would yell at me all the time about it, and eventually even called my parents to tell me to stop cause it annoyed her so much! I mean geez, talk about overreacting. I remember looking in the mirror sometimes and being horrified, feeling like such a freak when I'd see how much of my eyebrows I'd pulled out, obvious bald patches. Thank goodness for eye brow pencils! Ever since I found out that it was an actual problem, and not just me being crazy or fucked up, I think it's helped and I don't do it quite as much, or at least I'm more aware when I do it instead of just doing it in a daze.

Uff, I purged 3 times today, I want to do it again, but we have nothing to binge on. I feel like going to the store and just buying a whole bunch of shit, but I'd feel like way too much of a loser doing that, seeing as that it's 2:30am, and also I've been doing that a lot lately.

And I finally got a scale today!!! YES! I am 98lbs. So I didn't gain as much weight as I thought, good.

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