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Date: Dec. 27, 2003
Time: 12:48 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Back from New York!

This entry is dedicated to Chocolate Whore, hehe. If she even reads this.

So hello!! I am back. Incase you forgot, I went to New York this week with Jon. It was nice, I celebrated Christmas for the first time. We ate Christmas Eve dinner at his place(tons of people), then on Christmas ate at his step-mom's brother's house. They're all italian, I have never seen so much cheese and tomato sauce in my LIFE!! Seriously! It kinda sucked cause I couldn't really eat any of the normal things they were all eating, everything had meat/diary/tomato sauce.

Thankfully they did make me some stuff I could have. Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff still had dairy in it though(most people don't know to look at ingrediants), like one morning we had pancakes, and his stepmom said she would make it with soy milk...later on, I looked at the package, and they were called "buttermilk pancakes", uff! Plus I kept eating things with dairy in it like desserts, and other unsafe(digestively speaking) foods. So my stomach hurt the whole time basically :(

It was a nice time, except for when I burst into tears at Jon :/ He got mad at me and I was feeling sick, so I just starting crying and crying. He felt really bad. I hate when I do that. I think it's cause normally I never allow myself to cry, so then finally I end up just bursting into tears over something totally random. But anyway, we resolved that and everything was peachy keen again.

Presents: Jon got me a massage kit, The Goonies DVD, Finding Nemo DVD, and a book on Seductresses through history(I forget the name). His family got me a big package of Bath and Bodyworks stuff, unfortunately it was all vanilla, and I hate vanilla! I'm going to try to exchange it tomorrow. They even made me a stocking with me name on it! In that I got socks, candy, and bath beads.

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