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Date: Dec. 21, 2003
Time: 3:40 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

So tired

Blah. I feel the complete opposite of energized. Which would be tired, if you didn't know. I don't know what my problem is, but I've felt like this the past few days. I wanted to start going to the gym but I keep feeling too tired to. And it's not like I have to get up for anything since I'm on winter break, I can get as much sleep as I need. Maybe I'm not eating enough. Infact yesterday I wore a pair of "thin jeans" and they actually fit, so I think I lost a little weight? I tallied up how many calories I had yesterday and it was about 1,200 which is not enough. I didn't mean to, that's just all I wanted. Now I wonder if I've been eating only that much lately or something? Also part of it is there's just nothing to eat. I dunno, I look around the kitchen but nothing appeals to me. I'm going food shopping after I write this so hopefully this will help.

Plus maybe it's from not eating enough protein- I've been avoiding soy to see if it's affecting me negatively, but I can't eat most beans, and not really a fan of nuts...and meat/dairy/eggs are out of the question(well I eat stuff that has eggs in the ingrediants sometimes). So it was hard to get enough. I'm going back to eating soy though cause I'm just way too damn picky about food to cut out anything else. So should I go to the gym? I don't know. They say it's supposed to energize you but who wants to go when you're all tired?

I hung out with Julie last night. I was talking to her about stuff, and she brought up my ED, blushing madly (she's the type who blushes constantly). When I told her I'm eating normal now she hugged me. It was nice hanging out with her. I've been sticking with my "be more social" thing which is good :)

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