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Date: Dec. 17, 2003
Time: 2:11 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Kvetching about this and that, and finally DONE for now!

This morning I felt awful emotionally. I got up early to write my paper, which is due today. As I started typing it I just felt hopeless and too anxious to do it, so I decided to just not hand it in :( Yes it will lower my grade for the class a lot, but I just couldn't do it. So felt all upset, wanted to purge or cut myself, but instead ended up just sleeping instead. On a good note though, I am finally DONE with the semester!!! Woohoo!

Didn't feel depressed when I woke up so that was good...but then I had a hypoglycemia attack :( And I have no idea why. I used to only get them when I was starving myself, but the past couple times I've gotten then for no reason. *sigh* now I'm worried about it and stuff. I mean I ate breakfast, it's not like I skipped a meal.

I found 4 bottles of diet pills in my dad's drawer. I just took one. Oh well. Besides this, I've actually been doing pretty well recently. I had started purging again more often, but for the past few days haven't at all :) Unfortunatly my acid reflux/gastritis is acting up from the purging, even though I'm taking my pills for it. I seriously need to remember that when I purge, it really affects my digestive system, and I can NOT fuck around with that!

Last night I went holiday shopping with Jon. I hope my family likes the things I got them :) I still need to go back to get more, plus need to get Jon's present. I really want to get him an Xbox, but they're so damn expensive. I may get him one or 2 of the Buffy seasons on DVD and whatever else instead. He LOVES Buffy lol. And Angel. Maybe I'll get him one of each. I should go today.

Grrr...just realized I should call my aunt/grandfather, haven't been over there in awhile. Nooooooo!

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