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Date: Apr. 18, 2002
Time: 8:27 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

2nd entry of the morning

Your the boy cut. You love to get out and be yourself. Getting down and dirty is a very familiar thing to you. You live an active live style and you simply love it, you go where life takes you.
Which underwear are you?

Ya, so I'm a type of underwear. I didn't even realize they sell boy-cut underwear, perhaps it's cause I'm ultra picky and mostly just shop at Victoria's Secret(except for my day of the week underwear, and my Eeyore underwear!) Yes, I have day of the week underwear. The lame thing is though, that they only give ONE pair for the weekend that just says "Weekend" on it, gross man! Hmmm...so why am I making another entry? Cause I have nothing better to do, and I just feel like it.

Aaahhh I'm such a dork, I just tripped and fell on the stairs, on account of my huge feet and lack of bodily grace. Good thing my dream is not to be a dancer, or I would be sorely dissapointed, I'm hardly the opitomy of graceful movements.

I think I'm going to skip my first class, I know I shouldn't but I feel crappy like I'm coming down with something. God, only 2-3 more weeks of school, I can't WAIT till it's over. Once again I have done a less then satisfactory semester at school, I feel guilty for making my teachers put up with my inconsistantness. I know it annoys the shit out of them that when I do my work I get A's, but that's WHEN I do my work, and that's IF I go to class. I really was hoping to do an internship this summer, like at a mental health clinic or something like that, but to tell you the truth I don't know if I can or should. I mean is some anorexic girl going to want me, who's 95lbs(probably less by then), telling her to eat her meal? I mean truthfully I don't know what my internship would involve, but I think I'd feel like the hugest hypocrite assisting therapists, helping patients while here I am a nutcase myself. I don't know, I'll have to think about this.

Yesterday I finally switched my newt into a slightly bigger tank, I think he likes it. I bought a new Betta fish the other day, and I put him into the tank that my newt used to be in. I hope this damn fish lives, I can never get Betta fish to live for some reason! Actually I think it's cause my town has really shitty water for fish, the PH level is insanely high, about 9.2!!! It's very hard to keep down, no matter how soft I make the water. Ok probably no one knows what I'm even talking about here, unless you know about fish and the water chemistry they need. Truthfully I probably should not even keep tropical fish cause of my PH problems, I should have African Cichlids again or salt water fish. Actually what I want to do is set up a salt water tank and just have one Lion fish. They rock. I'd put up a picture of one for you to see, but I'm too lazy. Seriously though, now I'm considering just getting rid of my fish, I have about 4 left, maybe I could just put them in a 10 gallon somewhere. I swear I'd turn my house into a zoo if my dad would let me! I'm not sure if I mentioned before, but Julie and Dave got a Bearded Dragon lizard, they're going to mate it and they said I could have one of the babies, yay! I don't know where I would even put another tank, seeing as I already have 4 tanks in my room and a 2 gallon in the kitchen. Wow this entire entry is all about my animals. Ok that's enough out of me.

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