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Date: Apr. 16, 2002
Time: 10:46 PM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Take Back The Night

I am very overwhelmed right now. I just came back from the Take Back The Night we had at my school, which is a march against violence and rape. We marched around campus, then had a candle light vigual(spelled right?), then went into the lecture hall where people spoke. It was an open mic, so basicly students just got up and told their stories of how they'd gotten raped. I can't believe the courage these people had, to get up infront of the room and say what happened. It really affected me a lot. I went to this last year, but left halfway through the march, so I didn't actually get to hear people get up and speak. It made me think of the unwanted sexual things that have happened to me over the years. One thing that really bothered me, the guy Matt that I'm friendly with at school, afterwards I hugged him and said how brave he was to stand up and talk about how he was raped. The thing that bugged me was that while we were talking he started doing this thing he does where he tries to grab my nose. It's pretty juvinile, and I always just laugh and push him away. So he started doing that, and I kept pushing his hands away but he kept doing, and I told him stop it and he wouldn't. It just really really bothered me especially since we had just finished doing this whole thing about violence and rape, it just made me feel really uncomfortable when I kept saying stop it and he wouldn't. I was already thinking about this stuff already, but it reminded me of times when I have said no to sexual things, and guys have not listened. So it just really freaked me out. I'm just really overwhelmed right now.

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