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Date: Apr. 12, 2002
Time: 9:10 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

My scale is broken!!! YES!!!!

Great news!!!!!!! I'm so psyched....my scale is broken! YES! I'm really NOT normal weight! For weeks it's been saying I am 106-107, with the occasional 105lbs. In the back of my mind I could have sworn I was losing weight though, but I figured I was just being stupid cause obviously I'm normal weight. Well then yesterday I looked in the mirror and I was like ok, something is NOT right here. I tried on all of my "thin pants", and they ALL fit! Even my 96lb pants! Today I just went in my sisters room and tried on her pants, I can fit into her size zeros now!!! Holy shit. I wonder how much I weigh? Somewhere in the mid 90's I'm presuming. I measured myself, my waist is 23 1/2 inches and my hips are 33 1/2 inches. This is absolutly great, and I'm taking my Prozac again which is cool, it gives me energy and makes me jittery, which is better then lying in bed all day! As far as food, the past few days it's been extra hard for me to eat anything, I've been drinking protein drinks because I just don't feel like eating.

My teeth hurt right now, I was clenching my teeth last night in my sleep again, not good. I'm going to end up popping my jaw out of place again if I keep doing that(I have a jaw problem). I do that when I'm stressed out. I was actually really pissed off yesterday, well before the weight realization I had. I was still all pissed about my dad, it's almost like I couldn't feel anger about the situation until the other day when I blew up at him, and suddenly now I'm filled with rage(well, not right now). My sister told me yesterday that my aunt called up Donna's ex-husband and also her 2 brothers, they all had bad things to say about her. They all said she would drain my father for everything he's got, then leave him. The thing is, he's not even rich! He's a teacher for godssakes, not a docter. Oh well.

I had some strange dreams last night, in one dream I was hanging out with Bill Murrey...you know, from Ghostbusters and What about Bob. The whole dream I totally wanted to get with him, which is weird cause I don't find him attractive in real life, I mean geez he's in his 50's! Halfway through the dream he turned into a snake and I was holding him, lol. Then I went in my room and my sister had killed one of my fish, so to make up for it she bought me 10 fish tanks and filled them all with fish, I was like whoa holy shit!

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